Sunday, February 2, 2020

Detailed Character Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Detailed Character Description - Essay Example In the attack his wife was murdered and Earl received severe injuries resulting in amnesia. Earl in a story possesses round character as he has many complex traits. As we go further reading the story it can be seen that Earl possesses emotional personality. This trait became part of his personality after the unpleasant event took place in his life. Despite of his illness and unreliable memory he tried to remain focused this shows his consistent behavior. Earl has courageous nature which helped him to escape from mental institution. This also shows his risk taking nature as he did not care about the consequences and escaped from the hospital. Not only was this he was highly determined in pursuit of killing his wife’s murderer that he developed different ways to preserve his memory. As mentioned in the story he uses letters and tattoos to keep track of various information. Since Earl is depicted as the most tragic character of the story but despite of his tragic life he remained much focused and throughout the story he did not allow his illness to overrule his mission (to kill his wife murderers). His attempt to achieve his aim shows his hardworking nature and serious nature. He is portrayed as highly motivated character of the story and due to his motivation he was able to accomplish his mission of reaching to his wife murderers. Faith is an important personality trait of Earl. He had strong faith in himself that helped him to carry on his mission throughout the story. Jonathon Nolan described Earl as a serious character of the story who had not shown signs of silliness despite of his mental illness. There were times when he faced situation of desperation but this desperation was not because of his personality but it was due to his mental illness. Because of his strong character he did not let desperation to rule him instead he administered it wisely. There were many positive characteristics possessed by Earl but it is important to mention

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