Thursday, January 9, 2020

Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Children s Reproductive System

The United States has the highest rate of unplanned teen pregnancies amongst the most developed countries in the world. Approximately 750,000 teens will become pregnant this year and with the lack of resources to terminate those unwanted pregnancies more than ninety two percent of those teens will become parents before graduating high school. Plan B one step emergency contraception is now available over the counter as of August 2013 an although there has been a great debate on whether or not the open availability to teens as young as fifteen will do more harm than good it does seem that the positives have out weighted the negative since lowering the age restriction and making it available over the counter. Since talk about raising the age limit back to seventeen with a prescription and turning it back over to pharmacy counters the controversy has resurfaced. The subject of harm Plan b may or may not be contributing to women’s reproductive system as well as allowing minors to p ut themselves at risk without their parents knowledge have been main topics of decision. Plan B one step has been proven to be safe and effective and has minimized teen pregnancy since being approved in 2013. Plan B emergency contraception is an oral pill used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. If used properly, which means as soon as possible up 72 hours of unprotected sex pregnancy is not to be expected. Starting in the early 1960s emergency contraception was only used in rape victims toShow MoreRelatedTeenage Pregnancy Essay1573 Words   |  7 PagesDue to colonization, First Nation teen pregnancy rates are higher, and has adversely affected them psychologically, socioeconomically as well as conflicting with their cultural beliefs. As teen motherhood is socially structured. 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Four in every five Americans begin having intercourse before age 20. Many of the youngest women in this group (60% of those age 15 or under) report having had sex forced on them. By the time they turn 20, about 40% of American women have been pregnant at least once. Many of these young women have little understanding of their bodies and have begun having sexual intercourse before knowing about ways to prevent pregnancy. Because teens in other developedRead MoreSex Education, Why Should We Care?1310 Words   |  6 PagesSex Education, Why Should We Care? It is incredible how the mere knowledge of something that is considered taboo by many can change someone ´s life. In his Health Education Research, Professor Lawrence St. Leger states that there seems to be a growing consensus claiming that schools can play an important role teaching the youth make informed decisions and help them shape a healthy lifestyle. 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