Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Is College A Worth It Essay - 1147 Words

Helena Wood November 2016 College Readiness Period:3 Is College is worth it: In today s world, a college degree has great significance. It is worth the effort to obtain a degree, and this is due to the increasing wages that come with a degree, the lowering of unemployment rates, and having a degree is a requirement for many jobs. Having a college degree will get you far in life. For example the wage gap increases between high school graduates and college graduates, at the rate the degree does. The higher a degree one has the more money they make. As one’s degree goes up, as does their earning gap. â€Å"...individuals with a four-year college degree earned about 43% more on average than those with only a high school degree...† (FRBSF Economic letter). The more education you have the more money you make. If you have only a high school diploma then you will make significantly less. College is an investment and it pays itself back the farther you get in the working world. â€Å"...the difference between earnings continues such that the average college graduate earns over $800,000 more than the average high school graduate by retirement age...† It also drastically lowers the rate of unemployment, † (FRBSF Economic letter). You are earning close to a million dollars more than you would otherwise with a degree. Making money is key in survival, this day and age. The more money, the more power, and success in the business world. Unemployment rates are lower for those with degrees asShow MoreRelatedIs College Worth A College?1254 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the USA college tuition has increased drastically; in the last five years Georgia colleges have had 75% increase along with other states such as Arizona whose tuition has increased by 77% (NPR). Since 2006 the tuition in Utah has increased by 62.8% and is rising throughout the U.S. (Desert News). Between 1885-2016 the price of college has increased between 2.1% to 4.3% per year beyond inflation (CollegeBoard). Through calculations, that equates to about a hundred precent increase sinceRead MoreIs College Worth It?857 Words   |  4 PagesIs college worth it, many ask and a lot of them wonder. This controversial topic has a lot of arguments and still no fix answer to it. Some people might find college to be not worth it as most people find it useless after graduation as said by TOM BACHTELL on a college graduation â€Å" diploma—need not be a statistics major to know that the odds of stepping into a satisfying job, or, indeed, any job, are lower now than might have been imagined four long years ago†. But in my opinion I would say thatRead MoreCollege Is Worth It?852 Words   |  4 Pages College is a place where students learn what they want to be when they graduate and they use that knowledge they obtained from college to fulfill their dream by what they have studied, so hard for in college. Some people ask, â€Å"Is College worth it?† and the answer to that question is, â€Å"Yes.† A lot of people continue to disagree with that answer, but when it’s all said and done: college is worth it. That is why, there is still students that enroll into a 4-year college or a community college becauseRead MoreCollege Is It Worth It?1317 Words   |  6 PagesCollege, is it Worth it? Is college really worth the time and money? This is the question I am going to be exploring. While many people may have an idea that college is just an abundance of debt, other students argue that most of the information they learn doesn’t provide them with the value they thought it would (Adams 1). Many college students who grow up with the opportunity to go to college usually don’t stress the idea of going to school, but most students who don’t have the opportunity toRead MoreIs College Worth It?923 Words   |  4 PagesThe question here is, is college worth it? Many people question this especially high school students who are about to graduate. This debate is still taking place today. The common misunderstood saying is, if you have a degree you will then have a good job. But this is not the case because in today’s society there are so many people with degrees who still cannot find a job. The rate of unemployment is increasing rapidly on a yearly basi s. High school students see it this way, if I can’t find a jobRead MoreCollege Worth?1116 Words   |  5 PagesIs College Worth It? College is a place for higher education. Many people go there for further study every year. Meanwhile, plenty of people skip college or drop out of college. Sort of people believe college is not worth because it cost too much. Most people think college is worth because you will able to get a good job when you holding a degree. Yes, because being a college graduate can help you gain more than the money you spent to pay for college. College is worth it because you will haveRead MoreCollege Is Worth It?1139 Words   |  5 Pagesdebate about whether or not college is worth it, but it’s hard to measure some of the pros of a college education in numbers. Most agree, however, that college enriches people’s life in some way that isn’t just financial. Through encountering different perspective and getting a liberal arts education, people become better citizens of the world. Or so the argument goes. In his essay, Colleges Prepare People for Life, Freeman Hrabowski argues that everyone should attend college, not just for the financialRead MoreCollege Is Not Worth It?1139 Words   |  5 PagesIn the debate about whether college is worth attending, many argue that college is worth it but others argue that college is not worth it. Those who argue that college is worth it contend to say that college graduates make more money, college allows students to explore career options, and not going to college will cost people more money in the future but on the other hand, those who argue that college is not worth it contend to say that college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require degreesRead MoreIs College Worth It?1177 Words   |  5 PagesStatistics Say Yes To College If you walked across the stage at your high school graduation ceremony you probably were confronted by the options of college, military service, work force, etc. If you decide college is the place to go, then questions start to arise, how am I going to pay for college, where should I go, what do I want to study. Is college is a voluntary place to further your education or is it mandatory to achieve a decent paying job? College has now become something that everyoneRead MoreIs College Worth It?972 Words   |  4 PagesIs College Worth It? In recent discussions of Is College Worth It? By John Green, a controversial issue has been whether, people should attend college or get a job after they finish high school. On the one hand, some argue that people can get a monthly income better than if they have a degree. From this perspective, some people they do not want to attend college. On the other hand, however, others insist that people should attend college after they finish high school. In the words of John Green,

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